
Monday, 19 December 2011

How to Import Facebook Contacts to Google Plus

By WordPress Expert

Hello friends, I hope you all are happy with the Free Google plus invitation through my Blog Give Away.Thanks to all for like on my fan page as well as sharing my blog posts on Facebook.After joining Google plus- many people asked, is there any way we can import Facebook contacts to Google plus.
I Google yesterday and find a a reason Why  Facebook Block Export Facebook contacts . but don’t worry we find a way to import your all Facebook friends to Google plus.
There is no direct way, we can export Facebook contacts, so, what we have to do is follow below steps to get all your Facebook friends to Google+.
You need to have one Yahoo Email Address, if you don’t have please register at yahoo to get yahoo email address.

How to Import Facebook friends to Google Plus

Importing contacts to Facebook required to follow two steps.Facebook don’t allow Gmail service to import their data. only we can do using yahoo service. if you don’t have yahoo email address, please register and take a one for.
  1. First we Import Facebook contacts to yahoo
  2. then, we  link yahoo profile to access facebook contatcs . that’ it All Your Facebook Friends in Google Plus.
Hmm….Not getting..don’t worry , here is step by step process explain how to import Facebook contacts to yahoo.Hotmail and Google plus service
  1. How to Import Facebook contacts to Yahoo

Login to  your yahoo email address’s and go to contacts Tab as shown in Below screen
Now click on import contacts , you will be come which various options, where you wold like to import conatcs like  Facebook,Yahoo.GMail and so on Simply click on facebook icon to start importing contacts from facebook
import facebook contactsimport facebook contacts
After you complete with importing contacts to yahoo, a message comes like as shown in below screenshot.
So, all your friends contacts in yahoo now, yahoo allow us to export those contatcs to various format.

Connect Yahoo Profile from Google Plus to import Facebook Contacts

Now simply loging to your google+ Account, and  go to circle tab, and connect your yahoo profile from google plus account

That’s it, Now all you facebook contacts are now imported and accessible from google plus service. let me know any issue in steps of import facebook contacts to google plus.
Please don’t forget to share your valuable words in context of importing facebook contatcs and google plus experience.

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