
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Way to Get Paid Metro Apps for Free from Windows 8 Store

Hackers from MDL Forums have now come up with a tool which converts the trail apps downloaded from the Windows 8 Store to the ones which are purchased. If you are surprised like I was initially on how this is possible then I would like to tell you that in Windows Store of Windows 8, for every PAID application listed has an option for trial for 7 days so that you can experience the app for 7 days for FREE and then one can take a call on whether to purchase the same or not, but hackers have upped their ante on cracking the mechanism to get free paid apps.

So, lets get started,, 

1. first you need to download this crack file,,  DOWNLOAD HERE

2. After download, you have to extract the same to a folder,, 

3. Now you need to download any paid application from windows 8 store, and if you already have one, you can crack that,..

4. Now, from the Extracted folder head over to the fallowing path, 
windows 8 paid apps free

5. Open TokensExtractor.exe it will list all the apps installed in your win-8 system. 

6.  Once you see the below pop up, you need to click on the app marked as (Trial) at the end as we have shown below in the “Winzip” case.

7. Now, select the same and then click on “Crack” tab on the right hand side. It will take a minute for cracking the same and once it’s done, you can see that the app listing will end with the “FREE” ones which indicates that the app has successfully cracked.
windows 8 paid apps free

So, there you go, you have now successfully learnt on how to convert the FREE Trial app into the fully purchased like app in your Windows 8 Laptop / Computer. 

Monday, 29 April 2013

One Touch Shutdown Restart Program Windows

Lets see how to do more than a regular shutdown.You can add any combination of several switches to do extra things with shutdown.                                   

Shut Down--

Open Notepad
Paste Bellow Code In It

shutdown -s -t 03 -c "Pc Shutting Down Bye Rashin See You Soon"

Save the file as shutdown.bat
Just run the program and see the magic

-s -- Shutdown Command
-t -- Time In Seconds
-c -- Displays A Message Before Shut Down'
-f -- Forces Any Running Program To Stop
-r -- Restarts The Computer


shutdown -r -t 03 -c "I Am Restarting See You Rashin After That"

Do the same above steps but save the file as Restart.bat